Wednesday 9 September 2020

4 Easy Tips For Seamless And Effective Cleaning Of Your Storage Unit (With Bonus Tips!)

Are you planning to clean your storage unit? If you are doing it for the first time and are all gung-ho about it, you wouldn’t know the chaos and trepidation associated with emptying a storage unit. Don’t worry. Our tips will help you sail through the process of cleaning, reorganizing, and emptying a storage unit. Let’s delve.

1. Store in plastic containers

To achieve a clean storage unit, it pays to use plastic boxes to pack up and store your valued possessions. This habit makes for an easy-to-clean process. If possible, avoid cardboard as it forms crevices and cracks making it easy for dust and moisture to get inside and damage your stuff. Air-tight, plastic cases are the best. They’re easier to clean. 

Bonus tip 1 – Don’t forget to check your stuff especially if you stay in a humid area where there’s a risk of items running dry.

Bonus tip 2 – Store your linens in vacuum-sealed bags that limit environmental damage.

2. Sort stuff out 

Sorting sorts your life. We recommend categorizing your items into the following – 

• Retain 

• Retrieve

• Resell 

• Recycle

Easy to remember, it can be your cleaning mantra!

The idea behind this technique is to use 3 empty boxes to separate things from things. 

• The retain box will hold the items you want to keep in storage.

• The retrieve box will have items that you want to pull out from your storage unit and bring back home.

• The resell box is for items you want to sell or maybe donate.

• The recycle box hosts good-for-nothing items that are broken, damaged, and beyond repair.

3. Keep at it till it’s done

Do you know what is the biggest mistake when emptying a storage unit? To not get the work finished in the scheduled period. In this case, it’s best to take help from a professional, reliable organizer. Somebody who could clean out and empty a storage unit for you so that you don’t lose your focus.

Pro tip – don’t hesitate to ask your friends for help, trust us, it’ll make the rather boring process fun and less tiring when your friends join in.

4. Decluttering made easy

Don’t make a headlong dash into large-area-cleaning in a haphazard manner. We advise you to start with one small area, finish cleaning and re-organizing it, and move on to another small area. Remember, a big jigsaw puzzle is solved only by joining one piece at a time. 

We, at Du-store, specializes in providing storage facilities for commercial and self-storage purposes that include personal, business, warehouse, and vehicle storage in Dubai. Contact us for storage units available in a range of sizes so that you get a flexible experience. 

We give security the utmost priority with 24*7 guards maintaining track of all the visitors, CCTV surveillance, and insulated doors. Our team vows to deliver a smooth user experience and lets you access your goods anytime you want, via the 24-hour access facility.


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