Tuesday 17 October 2017

How To Store Books So They Last Forever

For people who love reading, books are not objects, but dear friends who need to be taken care of. Bibliophiles often buy as many books as they fancy, which makes storage of books a hassle. The best books from your collection can adorn your bookshelf, while the rest of them need to be packed and stored safely so they don’t end up creating a space crunch. Today we will help you out with the best book storage tips that will make the nightmare of storing books a fairy tale.

1. Identify the books that you want to store away and separate them from the ones in your bookshelf.

2. Check their condition thoroughly. If there are any tears or stains, clean them off.

3. Make sure the books are completely dry and devoid of mold. Damp books can attract mold, fungus and insects, which can spoil your entire collection if left unchecked.

4. Wrap your books in muslin cloth or paper. This step is optional, but recommended since this will take care of any residual dampness and protect the books.

5. Get packing. You can buy packing boxes in Dubai as using fresh materials is recommended. Old boxes may not be stable, or emit smells that attract insects that can cause damage.

6. Keep the order of packing in mind. Heavier books and hardcovers go in the bottom, followed by bigger paperbacks and then the smallest ones. Take care not to overfill any box.

7. Pack the boxes neatly with sturdy rope, tape and label them properly. You can buy good packing material in Dubai easily that can make your job easier.

8. Store your books in a dry, shaded place in your house. If there is less space in your house, you can explore a storage unit in Dubai that can keep your precious books safe till you’re ready to read them again.

So this is how you can increase the life of your books by stowing them away safely. Happy reading!

Image source: pinterest.com


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