Monday, 25 January 2016

4 Ways To Prevent Injuries At Home

Here we are talking about injuries caused due to falling, and slipping. Apart from less storage space, another major cause of injuries at home is slipping falling incidents. We, therefore, choose to inform our dear readers about quick hacks to prevent such incidents.

Carry flashlight:
A large home may have enough storage space but that does not necessarily mean things are stored in organized manner. If not, it results to many uneven hindrances going unseen during stalking at night. Therefore, always keep a flashlight with extra batteries near your bed lest a power outage occurs.

Twilight protection:
20% of the time people fall, it happens during the night. Poor lighting can lead to obscure vision leading to slipping off the stairs and so on. You could easily make the outdoor steps lot safer by installing cheap solar-powered way with small porch light bulbs.

Ice Grips:
If it snows often, or even seldom, don’t forget to place the grips on your boots during the snow season. These grips work wonders to prevent you from falling on an icy floor. You could even place grip mats on the entrance doorway like below.

Say no to stair-clutter:
Storing things on stairs can make you temporarily satisfied. But what worth is that minute long satisfaction when you hear someone falling off the steps due to the unseen box you kept on the stairs?

It is recommended to avoid storing anything on stairs as by doing so you are raising the risk of someone tripping off the interruption on the stairs. Do you tend to store things on stairs due to space shortage? We are a dependable storage company in Dubai. We are also an expert packaging material supplier Dubai company.

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Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Tips For Secure Packaging Of Materials

Packing is an important aspect for consumers moving and relocating to places when they want their valuables to be neatly packed and stored in storage warehouses. Packaging is also a highly important factor for retailers and manufacturers. To ease their packaging woes, we have compiled few effective tips for safe and effective packaging of materials.

Ensure packaging reflects the item:
The best packaging is that which represents the product inside as well as communicates the core values and market position. It is known as to be ‘brand centric.’

Focus on target group:
Remember, the one who tries to appeal everyone risks appealing to none. Hence, before packaging think about your target market, your ideal consumer. And package the item keeping them in mind. Once you identify what you are aiming for, make sure your packaging material ‘speaks’ with them at every stage of buying journey.

Packaging should endure the travel:
Focus on how your item will land the desired destination safe, undistorted. The protective packaging is largely dependent on the packaging material you use. Also reflect on these elements of packaging, storing, and distribution as not those that add to your costs but add to your item’s value. Successful businesses work on this packaging specification principle.

Use standardized sizes:
Keep the consistency of standardized size packaging across a range as possible. This reduces production costs significantly. It gives higher flexibility in terms of carrying the items on lorries and storing them in storage warehouses.

For instance, round bottles leave wide gaps between them than square boxes. Flexible sacks may expose the contents to crushing while delicate containers can collapse with minor jerks.

Need help is getting the best quality materials? We are a reliable packaging material supplier company in Dubai, happy to help you.

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