Monday 18 May 2015

How To Use Inexpensive Things To Store Valuable Things?

Your valuable trinkets need proper storage to sustain their luster. However, many a times storage of such valuable items cost a bomb. But not after you read this blog where you fill find creative and inexpensive ways to store your things.

Ladder storage:

This is perhaps the best use of the abandoned ladder, you hardly use.  A wooden ladder acts as one of the prettiest and cheap way to store your beautiful blankets. Pretty smart, huh?

Tupperware storage:

The misplaced Tupperware tops often fret you? Now face no more lost tupperware tops when they are neatly organized in a dish rack like below-

Sandal Hangers:

About to dump useless hangers? Stop. You can bend these in perfect shapes which act as convenient and inexpensive support for your summer flip flops.

Bracelet Storage:

Bracelets are one of the dearest accoutrements especially for women. However, most find their bracelets losing luster due to improper storage methods and often also find the misplaced. However, this inexpensive paper towel holder will store your bracelets intact and handy, letting you choose instantly the perfect match!

Soap Box for your most valuable travel companion-

A hard plastic coated soap case might be viewed as useless once the soap is out, but not really. It is the perfect size container to store your camera stashed in a carry-on hand bag. Lay your small digital camera inside a soap box keeping it safe and still when traveling.

For more storage tips or storage needs, follow us at Du-store.

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